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A Multi-Touch Direct Mail Campaign Can Improve Your Results

Dave Schaaf

Want Results?
Then set up a multi-touch direct mail campaign! Many people send out one letter and expect to get results. Though you may close a deal with one letter, you can dramatically improve your results with a multi-touch direct mail campaign. Without sending multiple mail pieces you may be missing out on potential clients because people have not noticed or read your message. The secret that can make your marketing more successful is to use a multi-touch direct mail campaign.

Sending a similar message to your list several times will make your name and brand familiar to your audience. The people on your targeted mailing list may not be ready to sell now, but eventually they will. When they are ready, who will they call? YOU! Each time you reach out to your audience the more likely it is that they will remember you and associate your name with your offer. This means when they think about selling their home, they’re going to call you!

Consistency Closes Deals!
When starting a multi-touch direct mail campaign make sure your message is consistent. This includes the name you are putting on your mail piece and also the message you are communicating. You want to build rapport with your potential clients, and the best way to do that is with consistency. That will reinforce your message, and before you know it you’ll be getting calls.

Put yourself in their shoes
If you were to receive a marketing letter in the mail and you had never heard of the person or their brand before, what would you do? You would most likely be skeptical and throw it away. Would you sell your house to a stranger who has reached out to you ONE time? Probably not! Selling a property is a big step, and you want to go through that process with someone you trust. When you set up a multi-touch direct mail campaign your targeted mailing list will see your name many times. After seeing your message several times the people on your targeted mailing list will start to recognize your name and they will be more likely to reach out to you.

Call us today at 1-888-294-0780 and our great staff at Yellow Letters Complete can help you set up your multi-touch direct mail campaign today!

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