My partner and I work closely together in our business. I provide real estate marketing services to real estate investors and Realtors all over the United States and Canada.
Now, let me explain a few things. When I first started in this business, I hadn’t heard of yellow letters. If I had, my beginning days as a real estate investor would’ve been much easier. Do you know what I had to do instead? We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning printing postcards on 4 x 6 index cards, and then mailing them out. We used the”unsafe structure” list that we got from our local code enforcement office. Did it work? Absolutely. Do we still do that? Absolutely not. But back then, we had no idea which direction to take. All we knew is that we had to generate leads to do deals. So we did whatever we had to do for the least amount of money.
These days, things are much easier for the newbie real estate investor. There is one simple technique that you can apply (without having to stay up all night), that will generate motivated seller leads and have you well on your way to doing deals. Can you guess what it is? Yep! The yellow letter.
I’ve been using the yellow letter in my business now for about 4 years. Of course, it’s not the only media that we use to attract seller leads. I also implement bandit signs, postcards, and a website. But it is the most head slapping simple way to get alot of leads coming in at once. In fact, I’m about to mail out 500 yellow letters on Monday that are addressed to Notice of Default Leads. This campaign is targeting short sales. I’m going to create a new blog entry for this campaign to keep you filled in on the progress, so keep watch for that.
I guess I never answered the question of “what type of person” does yellow letter marketing, did I? Well, the answer (other than the obvious) is………a person that wants to quit dreaming about making it happen and just make it happen.